From I-75: Exit 390 (39th Ave.) east past 43rd St. Next right turn onto 40th Terrace.
From the north: Turn left at 43rd St. Turn right onto 40th Terrace.
From the east: Turn left onto 40th Terrace at cut through before stop light at 43rd St.
From the south: Turn right onto 37th Place at MetroCorp Center sign.
3701 NW 40th Terrace, Suite 1
Gainesville, Florida 32606

Haile Village
From Tower Road (SW 75th Street):
Turn west on Haile Boulevard (SW 46th Blvd.) at the horse pasture. Go one mile to the 4-way STOP sign, turn right onto SW 91st Street, then make an immediate left onto SW 53rd Avenue. The back of building is on your left. Make an immediate left onto SW 91st Drive and make another immediate left turn to the parking lot in front of the building.
From Newberry Road:
Turn onto SW 91st Drive heading South.
Drive 4.1 miles and then turn right onto SW 53rd Avenue. The back of the building is on your left. Make an immediate left onto SW 91st Drive and make another immediate left into the parking lot in front of the building.
From Archer Road:
Turn onto SW 91st Drive heading North.
Drive 1.1 miles and then turn left onto SW 53rd Avenue. The back of the building is on your left. Make an immediate left onto SW 91st Drive and make another immediate left into the parking lot in front of the building.
5303 S.W. 91st Drive, Suite 200
Gainesville, Florida 32608